tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Oct 23 14:36:22 1998

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RE: KLBC nuqneH

> ><Qapla'> means "success". You can find it in the main Klingon-English
>  [snip]
> >their conversations by stating their business, and when they are finished,
> >they leave.
>  [snip]
> >Marc Okrand has talked about this a bit in the startrek.klingon forum. I
> >don't have the post handy, but I will see if I can find it tonight.
> Didn't Marc mention this in a British radio interview, or something...
> When they asked how do klingons say goodbye, he simply walked out of the
> room.
> DloraH

I have it. It was an early interview on National Public Radio, from about the
time "Conversational Klingon" was released.  From the NPR transcript:

  A: {Qapla'} means 'success', which has become used as a general hail ... 
  Q: Well, we have to wrap this up now. Tell me, Dr Okrand, how does a
     Klingon say goodbye? 
  A: He doesn't. When he's finished his business he just leaves 

 (sound of chair scraping across floor, sound of footsteps walking away,
  sound of door opening, a few more footsteps, door closing).

Okrand on {Qapla'} elsewhere:

"The common Klingon sendoff, {Qapla'}, 'success', is another overt signal of
this warrior spirit: success is always possible." (TKW p.49) 

"Under most circumstances, a Klingon would never literally say 'farewell' or
'good-bye' upon taking his leave; he would simply walk away. If, however, he
wanted to show honor or respect, he may offer a salute, often verbalized as
{Qapla'} (success)." (TKW p.83) 

At a convention in Halifax, Okrand said that {nuqneH} and {Qapla'} were
acceptable: you'd use {Qapla'} when greeting great warriors, but the general
greeting would be {nuqneH} (via jejQIb, 10/96). 

{Qapla'} "does not mean the same thing as goodbye" but is used as a sort of
salute as warriors go off to battle. (KCD)

Okrand himself uses {Qapla'} as a closing salutation at the end of the
Introduction to TKW, the Introduction to KGT, and often at the end of his
letters on the Expert Forum BBS.

And finally, {Qapla'} in the corpus:

  Qapla' jawwI' bangwI' je.
  Success my lord and my love. ST3

  jolpa' yIjaH. Qapla'! 
  To the transport room. Success! ST3

  Success! ST5

  Gowron greets his crew as he enters the bridge of his BoP:
    Greetings!  (subtitles in Hallmark commercial)

Voragh                            "Grammatici certant et adhuc sub judice
Ca'Non Master of the Klingons      lis est."         Horace (Ars Poetica)

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