tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Oct 23 11:18:31 1998

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RE: noun suffixes on adj?

> TKD p. 50 has a type 5 noun suffix on a verb.
> veng tInqu'Daq
> Now, I realize the verb is acting as an adjective but I find this
> Is this just an exception or do all adj take noun suffixes such as...
> veng tInqu'wIjDaq  (in my very big city)
> And why is Daq on tIn in the first place?  You aren't in "big" you're in
> "city".
> If this is just one exception, that if you use a verb to modify a noun and
> want to say you are to, in, at, or on that noun then put Daq after the
> verb....fine.  But does it include all noun suffixes or all type 5 noun
> suffixes or just Daq?

Only type five suffixes migrate to the verb. Everything else stays on the

veng tInqu'Daq
vengwIj tInqu'Daq
tajmeyHeyvetlh jejqu'mo'


The text from TKD is: "If a Type 5 noun suffix is used (section 3.3.5), it
follows the verb, which, when used to modify the noun in this way, can have
no other suffix except the rover -qu' (emphatic). The Type 5 noun suffix
follows -qu'."

I am fairly certain Okrand later said that -Ha' is also allowed on verbs
acting as adjectives.

Beginners' Grammarian

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