tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Oct 23 10:34:47 1998

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noun suffixes on adj?

TKD p. 50 has a type 5 noun suffix on a verb.

veng tInqu'Daq

Now, I realize the verb is acting as an adjective but I find this confusing.
Is this just an exception or do all adj take noun suffixes such as...

veng tInqu'wIjDaq  (in my very big city)

And why is Daq on tIn in the first place?  You aren't in "big" you're in

If this is just one exception, that if you use a verb to modify a noun and you
want to say you are to, in, at, or on that noun then put Daq after the
verb....fine.  But does it include all noun suffixes or all type 5 noun
suffixes or just Daq?

Does my question make sense?


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