tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Oct 16 12:54:49 1998

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Re: rogue

: Does anyone know a way to say 'rogue'?
: lung

According to Merriam-Webster's CollegiateŽ Dictionary: 

 rogue n [origin unknown] (1561) 1: vagrant, tramp 2: a dishonest or
 worthless person: scoundrel 3: a mischievous person: scamp 4: a horse
  inclined to shirk  or misbehave 5: an individual exhibiting a chance
  and usu. inferior biological variation

1. lengwI'
2. petaQ (!):  *yuDwI', *lo'laHwI' (?), nepwI', *ngorwI'
3. ??
4. n/a
5. *QIvwI'

  rogue vi rogued ; or (1766): to weed out inferior, 
  diseased, or nontypical individuals from a crop plant or a field 


  rogue adj (1872) 1 of an animal: being vicious and destructive 2:
  resembling or suggesting a rogue elephant esp. in being isolated and
  dangerous or uncontrollable <capsized by a rogue wave> 

1. qu', ral, naS
2. Qob

"Grammatici certant et adhuc sub judice
 Ca'Non Master of the Klingons                              lis est."
       Horace (Ars Poetica)

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