tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Oct 14 22:10:34 1998

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Re: DS9: "Shadows and Symbols"

ja' DeRf:
>[much snipped, none of which is relevant to the DeRf's response]
>One thing bugs me about that episode...When Worf cut his palm his blood
>wasn't the lavender color like in the movie! Please explain this to me
>cause I'm confused!

1:  Klingons in ST6 bleed Pepto-Bismol.  Klingons on DS9 have red blood.
2:  bIyu'taHvIS, tlhIngan Hol DabuSHa'.  yIta'qa'Qo'.
3:  Please don't copy the entire note when you respond, especially if the
    note is very long, and most especially if you aren't responding to
    anything you copied.

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