tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Oct 14 15:33:51 1998

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"da laffin tlhIngan"

: (btw how would one translate "the laughing Klingon" ? I've done it
: halfway as "da laffin tlhIngan", but in places like the list it'd probably
: look better in complete Hol)
: KirneH :>

Several ways, depending on your meaning: 

  Haghbogh tlhIngan  "the Klingon who laughs" (in general)

  HaghlaHbogh tlhIngan   "the Klingon who can laugh"

  HaghtaHbogh tlhIngan "the Klingon who is laughing"

{Hagh} "laugh" as used by Okrand:

  Hagh qoHpu' neH HeghtaHvIS SuvwI'pu'.
  Only fools laugh while warriors die. PK

  cheqotlhchugh maHaghbe''a'
  Tickle us, do we not laugh? TKW 

Also consider {tlhaQ} "be funny", {Dogh} "be foolish, be silly", {qID} "joke,
make a joke, tell a joke", {vaq} "mock" and {nuS} "ridicule".

Who knew Klingons had such a sense of humor?

"Grammatici certant et adhuc sub judice
 Ca'Non Master of the Klingons                              lis est."
       Horace (Ars Poetica)

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