tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Oct 10 05:16:14 1998

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KLBC new to the list


  I am fairly new to the list. tlhnIngan Hol vIjatlhlaHbe' ,tho I am trying
to learn to speak thlnIngan Hol. This is my first posting to the list. I do
have a copy of TKD as well as KGT and the
Klingon Way.
 I would like to introduce myself,I am QaneS.
 I looked throughout the books I have as well as searhed through the tapes
(CK and PK) and have not found a term for storyteller,in the sense of a
bard of poet. So I have attempted to extrapolate a thlnIngan term based on
what I can find and the little that I know. My attempt is as follows:

lutwI'ja'   teller of a story (ie:a bard,or poet)

  Is this on the right track? Or way off?

Qapla' reH


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                            "Real power is in the heart."

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