tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Oct 07 18:01:53 1998

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RE: KLBC Klingon Name

lab Johnny Wilson:

> I'm trying to work up a Klingon name. From what I understand 
> most Klingons have just one word for a name. I was thinking 
> of Tribble Slayer but haven't been able to find just one 
> word that would work. Any suggestions? My Klingon dictionary 
> and audio tapes recently came in but so far I feel like a 
> racoon in the headlights. A Klingon spelling and English 
> phonetic would be appreciated.

Welcome to the list. My name is pagh, and I am the current Beginners'
Grammarian. It's my job to help beginners learn Klingon. Whenever you
have a post you want help with, mark it for my attention by putting the
letters KLBC in the subject line, like you did with this one.

Qov has already responded to this message, and I agree with her. Don't
be in a hurry to choose a name. You'll be stuck with it for a long time,
and you'll find changing it more difficult than you might expect.

My own name, pagh, happens to be a word, which means, among other
things, "nobody" and "nothing". This has occasionally caused confusion,
although most of it has been humorous. If I were choosing anew, I would
probably avoid <pagh> because of this confusion, but <pagh> has been my
name for a long time, and I don't want to change it. I have become
attached to it, and it, I think, has become attached to me. I know of at
least one other long standing member of the list who might like to
reconsider his choice but feels the opportunity has escaped.

So don't worry about finding a name immediately. It is certainly not
necessary to participate here. When you stumble onto the perfect name,
you'll know.

As for the rest, any new language is intimidating, but you should have a
good feel for the basics pretty soon.

> Qapla'

Beginners' Grammarian

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