tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Oct 07 10:54:31 1998

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Re: KLBC Klingon Name

As I paste this I see it's KLBC, so I'll leave the actual answering to
the BG, and say this:


Before you pick your Klingon name wait until you have some comfort
with the sounds of the language and the ways that they can be put
together.  Make sure that what you decide you want to call yourself is
what you will want to be called when you are a well-skilled Klingon
speaker, and not just something that seems good enough before you
understand the distinctions in shades of meaning that others are
arguing about.  Make sure it looks right, sounds right, feels right,
tastes right on your tongue, and carries a meaning (if any) that
you'll be happy explaining for the next (how many?) years.  If you
really get into this it will become part of your identity. I have a
group photo from the last qep'a' on the wall and it is Klingon names I
think of as I look at them.

There is no shame and no stigma in not having a Klingon name on the
list.  It's convenient, there being multiple Marks and Davids but only
one Seqram and one DaraQ.  I suggest you award yourself a name when
you are ready to create one.  
> I'm trying to work up a Klingon name. From what I understand most >
> have just one word for a name. I was thinking of Tribble Slayer but
> haven't been 
> able to find just one word that would work. Any suggestions? My >
> dictionary and audio tapes recently came in but so far I feel like a
> racoon in the 
> headlights. A Klingon spelling and English phonetic would be >
Qov - pab 'utlh

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