tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Oct 06 08:48:02 1998

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lab qulvIghro':

> How'd I do on the following?
>   qa'vIn juHmeyDaq vIjaH vIparHa'
>  I like to go to coffee houses.

"coffee house" is a pretty specific term in English, and I don't think
it works in Klingon. I suspect a Klingon would think something like "the
house where the coffee lives ?!?!??". 

The only real distinction between a "coffee house" and a "bar" is that a
bar serves alcoholic beverages and a coffee house doesn't. There are
usually significant differences in atmosphere and clientele, but
fundamentally, both are places to drink (alcoholic or non-alcoholic)
beverages, socialize, and maybe snack a bit. Neither serves enough food
to qualify as a restaurant.

Since Klingon attitudes toward drinking are quite different, I don't
think Klingons would make that distinction. I suspect a Klingon would
call a coffee house a <tach>, or maybe a <qa'vIn tach>, and wonder why
he can't get a proper <ra'taj>. . .  nuq 'oH "Raktajino"-vam'e' jay'.
ra'tajqoqvam vItlhutlhQo'. jIHvaD qa'vInna' HoS yIqem 'ej chonuQ 'e'

After that unnecessary rant, I have a couple more corrections. The
prefix on <jaH> should be <jI-> because the <qa'vIn tachmeyDaq> phrase
is not the object of the verb. Also, <jaH> is a pretty generic word, and
there are more specific words that might capture your meaning better.
After all, when you go to a coffee house, you enjoy being there more
than the journey to get there, yes? You could say <qa'vIn tachmey vISuch
...>, or you could say <qa'vIn tachmeyDaq jItlhutlh ...>.

Finally, you left out the word <'e'> before <vIparHa'>. You could also
change <vIparHa'> to <vItIv>. Here's my suggestion for the whole thing:

qa'vIn tachmey vISuch 'e' vItIv.

>   'oy'Ha' nItu'jaj mu'meyvam
>  May these words find you well. (or something like that!)

This is the sort of thing that is just not a good idea to translate
literally. Klingon is just too direct for this kind of politeness. The
closest you could get to this sentiment would probably be simply

Beginners' Grammarian

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