tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Oct 01 13:53:27 1998

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Babyon 5's Final Episode: Sleeping in Light...

I know we're still five eps away from this one, but I thought I'd post
this to those who haven't seen it, direct from the Bab 5 lurker's
guide; some JMS Speaks concerning the final episode:

[[9/22]] I was watching "Sleeping in Light" again today (I have a
tendency to run the last ten minutes plus the credits over and see if it'll stop getting to me, and so far it hasn't), and
had some thoughts on it for folks out there. 

People often ask if there's anything they can do in return for B5,
something I'd like and I do have some ideas, here at the end,
regarding SiL. 

I think it would be a wonderful thing if more folks than usual got
together for viewing parties on this one. Not newcomers, not folks who
haven't seen the show, just the "family," if you will. If B5 has
helped to create communities, then I think this last episode should be
for that community.

((from seth: BTW - Freeport would be honored to host the gathering for
this special episode.  I'll try to have the place cleaned up by then

I also think you'll find some interesting tie-offs in this
show...something about Minbari beliefs about souls born in the hearts
of suns, and a pay-off to why the narrations of this series have
always been in the past tense, and a gift to the crew of this which end I *strongly* suggest that even if you don't
normally tape this series, that you do tape *this* episode so you can
go back and check some stuff at the end. 

"Sleeping in Light" airs in just a little over two months, and every
time I look at it, it has the sense of something very special coming
to its conclusion. It's so damned hard watching it...and yet there's
something about it that is massively uplifting at the same time. 

Anyway, I was just thinking that often viewing parties are used to
bring in new folks to B5, but this one, I think, should be for the
family. Maybe local fan groups want to get together, find someone with
a good-sized TV, and watch. It's one of those Moments, I think, that
will be remembered a long time thereafter. 

And I've got TNT's promise not to run a voice-over or squish the
credits at the end. 

[[9/24]] It airs the day before Thanksgiving. Won't most viewers be
travelling home to their families?
On the other hand, not everybody has family to travel to, or the means
to travel. So perhaps a family gathering of another type, particularly
among folks new to each other in local fan areas, might be even more


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