tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun May 31 17:13:56 1998

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Beginner's questions


qronaH 'oH pongwIj'e'. (Hope this is correct for "my name is..." even after
reading the FAQ I am still confused).

Well that's as much as I can do in tlhIngan Hol right now. I now have to
revert to DIvI' Hol to ask my questions.

First, to help my understanding/learning of tlhIngan Hol, I am trying to write
out all the phrases and words used in the tape Conversational Klingon. Finding
most of the words and phrases is simple since the english is given making
looking up the correct tlhIngan simple. However, I'm having trouble with the
very beginning of the tape (the intro scene rendered in tlhIngan Hol...which
starts out with "tujqu'choH QuQ"). While I understand some of the phrases
uttered in the scene, I can't figure out most of the middle. Would anyone be
able to write down the whole scene with its translation?

My next question concerns using I (capital "i"). Is there a simple way to tell
the difference between the upper case "i" and the lower case "L"? Since I have
to look up almost every word in the email messages a simple way to figure out
if I'm looking for an "i" or an "L" would be helpful. BTW I'm not trying to
change the way its written, just looking for any tips that might help me tell
which letter I'm looking at.

Lastly, as a learning tool I would be very curious as to how this message
would have looked written in klingon. If anyone is ambitious enough to
translate it so that I may study it, it would be greatly appreciated.



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