tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat May 30 07:55:25 1998

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Re: long weekend with MO

At 09:26 AM 5/29/98 -0700, Voragh wrote:
>DloraH wrote:
>>SIS.  In a way everyone was correct with this one.  It rained a few times
>>during the weekend, so we were put into the situation to discuss it.
>>     SIS
>>But when Marc and I went outside and drops of water were falling on us, he
>>looked up and simply said "SIS".
>It looks like Glen Proechel was vindicated about indefinite or unspecified
>subjects being allowed in Klingon.  Why some people objected to this idea in
>light of {-lu'} or {net} constructions puzzled me.  

Does this apply to any verb, I wonder, or just weather verbs?  I had indeed
bought into the idea that indefinite subjects weren't allowed (for reasons
that excape me). I have used {SIS chal} in postings to this list, and I
would translate something like "It is difficult to fight the officer" as
{yaS SuvmeH 
Qatlh Qu'}.  If I can use an impersonal subject, then I could just say {yaS 
SuvmeH Qatlh}. (Ironically, this point goes all the way back to my first letter 
to _HolQeD_, about the phrase {qIpmeH Qatlh}, almost 6 years ago!)

-- ter'eS

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