tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri May 29 12:26:28 1998

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Olaf jIH
tlhIngan Hol vIghoj 'ej qay' vIghaj
SuvwI'bom oH
lubompa' SuvwI'pu' SuvchoHtaH (StarTrek Klingon CD3 anthem1.wav)
terra'ngan Hol mughta'wI' vIghajnIS 

Okey, if I made any sereously mistake:
I am Olaf. I'm learning klingon and I have a problem. The song of the warrior. 
It's sung by the warriors before they start fighting. It's on the third CD of 
StarTrek Klingon the anthem1.wav. I 'd like to have the english translation (and 
the text in klingon).
By the way: I'm nineteen years old and in september I will go to the army. I 
hope I'm able to bring some klingon culture to that burocratic institution!!


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