tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon May 25 10:56:33 1998

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Re: ST:CCG Qapla'! card

Bill Willmerdinger:
>DuHIvchugh ghol vaj qaStaHvIS may'vetlh HoSDaq ghob luchel 
>quv ghajbogh tlhInganpu'lI'.  (vI'be'.)
>		[snip]		 - while the text below the
>line is the actual effect the card has when played.

>Is there no English game instruction in it at all? How are the
>non-Klingon reading players to know what this card does?

>Fact is, there is a translation in the rules suplement - what did you

>As I suspected.  So what _is_ the translation of this card?

>The translation of the effect is: If opponent attacks you, during that battle
>your Klingons with honor add Integrity to strenght (Not cumulative)

Thanks for checking.  I take it that "Integrity" and "Strength" are
quantifiable values in this game (i.e. you collect points for these)?


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