tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat May 23 14:45:34 1998

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Re: Quj bej Holtej qorDu'

From: Marc Ruehlaender <[email protected]>

>ja' SuStel:
>> I certainly don't like {Duj vIHop} as "I am far from the ship," but I see
>> this as necessary if you're going to say {Duj vISum}.  {Hop Duj} and {Sum
>> Duj} work fairly well, when used correctly.
>what do you think of {DujvaD jIHop} and {DujvaD jISum} resp.?

I say they work, as do {jIHvaD Hop Duj} and {jIHvaD Sum Duj}, if clunkily in
my mind.  I'm not sure why there's such a need to make "near" and "far" so
explicitly comparative.  Why do I have to be near to *something*?  Why can't
the something be left vague, or to context?  I'm not saying it *has* to be
that way.  But how is "deep space" deep?  You're not explicitly referring to
anything.  What is "Farpoint" far from?

If you assume {Sum} (and perhaps {Hop}) can take objects, you are saying
that these are verbs which can be transitive and which can also act as
adjectives.  Aside from the anomolous {meQ} (whose "be burnt" definition
still has not appeared in anything but one example), are there any other
words that do this?  Perhaps there are and I cannot think of them?  If not,
then this would be a very significant thing indeed!

I'm not saying I have the answers.  I'm just saying that it doesn't "feel"
right.  Legal notice: I won't argue with people who tell me that I can't
have feelings about the language and describe them.

Stardate 98390.1

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