tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri May 22 08:43:11 1998

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Quapla' (Warning: VERY KLBC)

    nuqneH!  (That's hello, right?)

    I just joined the list and I wanted to say hi!

    I have one question:  Where can you get the Klingon tapes?  I have
TKD and I've seen  "Klingon for the Galatic Traveler", but I can't find
the "Power Klingon" or "Conversational Klingon" anywhere.  If anyone has
an address or web page where I can order them, please let me know.

    Thanks!  jiH batlh SoH "with" janglij.

P.S.  I can just see Kahless turning in his grave over my horrible
tlhIngan...My sincere apologies.

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