tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu May 21 06:39:35 1998

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Re: Bible Verse Translation

I really like Holtej's response to this. Meanwhile, the static
electricity builds in my mind and I have to discharge...

According to Jimmyr17:
> One of my friends asked me to translate Luke 14:33 into Klingon.. Can someone
> help me here?
> "In the same way, you must give up everything you have to follow me.  If you
> don't, you cannot be my follower!"

choyajchu'meH choDanIS. Hoch DalonnIS.

It is a somewhat radical recasting, but I think it contains all
the significant pieces of the thought behind the original text,
condensed in the way Klingon does so well. Unless context makes
it clearer, "In the same way" sounds like a remnant of a
questionable translation from another language/culture, so,
like Holtej, I ignore it. "Follow me" in this case, I believe,
is better served by, "Behave like me" rather than "Walk behind
me". I also suspect that "Give up everything you have" is
speaking of more than possessions. Most religions ask you to
give up your attachments to this world, be they material,
emotional, etc.  EVERYTHING.

A religious teacher seeks to convey an understanding of
something beyond the sensory experience. It is usually posited
that if you perfectly acquire this understanding, you will
reach the most valuable goal possible, which is not available
to those who fail to acquire this understanding. This
particular prophet also seems to have been seriously attached
to being recognized as the PERSON who provided the
understanding, since his name alone is supposed to carry great
signficance in many ways. Hence:

choyajchu'meH choDanIS. Hoch DalonnIS.

"In order that you perfectly understand me, you must become like
me. You must abandon everything."

> qatlho'
> tu'wI'


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