tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu May 14 13:00:53 1998

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Re: Schoolbook

: Way back in the first year of HolQeD (I think) we published an outline of
: the lessons used in a college course on Klingon. I've picked up several
: other people's attempts over the years. I have not seen what peHruS is
: using (hint: Daniel, please send a copy my way for inclusion int he KLI's
: Archive), but typically there's a great deal of overlap.
: Lawrence

Have you tried to get in touch with the people who train the Klingon staff
for Paramount's "Star Trek: The Experience" in Las Vegas and ask them for
copies of their lessons?  Someone (David Barron?) recently posted an account
of a visit, and mentioned that s/he was surprised by the quality of the
actors' tlhIngan Hol.  Mention was also made of the in-house language
lessons by the staff.  (Who's their teacher, I wonder?)  I'd certainly like
to be a glob fly on the wall of that classroom even if they're not in
costume.  I imagine the Las Vegas Klingons would be amused by dealing with
the officially-recognized Klingon Language Institute.


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