tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed May 13 10:47:34 1998

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Re: schoolbook

>I just thought about a schoolbook for tlhIngan Hol.
>hen I was in school, I was told english by a book.
>It included examplesentences like: This is a cat.
>This is a house. The cat is in the house. etc.
>I know, there is David Barrons postal course.
>But it seems to be a little "akademic"...
>That is a problem I have with the most publications.
>Maybe this is because many of you are (or even seem
>to be) professional linguists.
>I, personally, never thought much about grammar.
>I try to get a "feeling" of a language.
>I did that with english and it worked out... so far...  ;-)
>When I read articles on tlhIngan Hol, many times I
>find mails refering to grammatical forms I do not
>understand... I never thought much about dativ
>akkusativ, etc
>Hmmm... perhaps I should learn to speak german first??  ;-)

    I was thinking of compiling something like a Klingon textbook over
the Summer (since I'll have nothing better to do).  I'm not sure about
infringement of copyrights or anything, but I plan to write it and use
it in my course without making money from it (but if I can work through
the messy copyright stuff and get permission from whomever, etc, I'd
like to publish it).  i've already got much of it planned out.  Since I
taught a Klingon language course this semester, I have a particularly
class-room perspective on the teaching of Klingon, and I plan to compile
the text so that it resembles any other college-level language text.


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