tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue May 12 17:06:18 1998

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Re: -ghach (oh no)

From: Steven Boozer <[email protected]>

>: You missed:

[examples from HolQeD 3:3]

>Good point, though these were nonce examples and haven't been used
>or in context in the published books or tapes.

Neither has {lo'laHghach} and {lo'laHbe'ghach}, to my knowledge, yet you
listed them anyway.  In any case, I'm not sure what benefit context would
give to these words.

>:    belghach        "pleasureness" (marked term)
>:    nobghach        "givation, one-time donation" (marked term)
>:    quvghach        "honoredness" (marked term)
>These "marked terms" without intervening verb suffixes are NOT kosher, any
>more than their marked English "translations".  They are merely examples
>Okrand gives of queer-sounding forms that, though morphologically illegal,
>are still more or less understandable by Klingons, at least those with the
>patience to listen to an alien speaking bad Hol.

Not kosher?  Meaning what, exactly?  As far as I can tell, they are
perfectly valid, marked words.  Not perfectly valid normal words.  They are
no less examples of {-ghach}'d words than {belpu'ghach} or {nobta'ghach}.
It is simply important to note that they are not *normal* words, and using
them would make your sentence stick out like a sore thumb.  As Okrand has
told us, it's not *wrong*, but it's weird.  Thus, I feel that these words
deserve to be listed among the examples of {-ghach} words which we have.  As
Okrand said, they would have to be appropriate for the occasion, and would
be one-time words, but they're still words for all of that.

Okrand talks about what happens if you add {-ghach} to a verb without
suffixes.  He doesn't talk about this to rule out the possibility, he talks
about it to explain what it would mean.

Stardate 98362.7

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