tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon May 11 17:32:56 1998

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Re: -ghach (oh no)

From: William H. Martin <[email protected]>
>Okrand had a special problem when he needed the word
>"discommendation". He had a closely related verb, {naD}, and no
>other related word to make a noun out of. {naDHa'} clearly
>means to "discommend", but with the verb suffix, it looks too
>much like a verb to be used as a noun.

I don't think this is exactly what happened, because {naD} is in the
Addendum just as {naDHa'} and {naDHa'ghach} are.  It seems he made them at
the same time.  He could have simply made up a new noun, but decided,
apparently arbitrarily, to go the long way round.

>Another favorite case in point of mine is the use of {rIntaH}
>slapped on the end of a sentence in order to accomplish the
>same function as the suffix {-pu'}, except, perhaps, a little
>more forcefully. Well, that was used by Okrand exactly once.

Once in context, three times in all.

qa'vam De' vIje' rIntaH.
I have purchased the Genesis data.  (Star Trek III)

luHoH rIntaH
They have killed him/her  (TKD 41)

vIje' rIntaH
I have purchased it (TKD 41)

In fact, we have no way at all to determine whether {rIntaH} comes after the
*verb* or the *sentence*.  We only have examples where the verb *is* the
sentence (perhaps with an object), which doesn't tell us anything.

And {rIntaH} is a more forceful version of {-ta'}, not {-pu'}.

>bejlu'ghach - the state of being watched

Ick.  If {-ghach} does indeed nominalize the word with the meaning of the
suffix, then {bejlu'ghach} is something like "subjectless watching."  You
may interpret that to mean "the state of being watched," but I am not
willing to make that leap.  Unless we see more evidence on this subject,
{bejlu'ghach} will seem to me as valid as {yIbejlu'} or {bejlu'wI'}.

Stardate 98359.9

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