tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon May 11 07:16:26 1998

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Re: -ghach (oh no)

At 03:49 98-05-11 -0700, qelayn wrote:
}I don't know why people have such a problem using -ghach. I went from
}first principles (naDHa'ghach) and worked out that it means...
}The act of <verb>ing - <verb>ghach
}This works for any verb that makes sense in this context.
}eg. naDHa'ghach -  The act of discommending   (a discommendation)
}I hope this helps some people and doesn't annoy too many others.

The problem may predate you, qelayn.  Depending on when you came in, there
was no <-ghach>, then there was rampant <-ghach> use to make a noun out of
anything, coupled with gradually increasing arguments about whether we could
do this, and then there was the explanation from Okrand about avoiding bare
verbs. The suffix <-ghach> is mainly a problem when newcomers to the
language try to use it to continue writing in a noun-dependent way, instead
of switching to Klingon.  That we haven't quite got it yet was brought home
to me when someone asked another BG and me for help translating a motto
including the word "value."  We *both* balked at {lo'laHghach} for "value"
until it was pointed out that that was the first example from TKD!
Admittedly, {lo'laH} is a weird one, becaue it changes meaning more than
average when it gets that first suffix.

And, it's got to be said, while I agree  it seems that the nominalization of
a process is what's happening, that *isn't* what Okrand has said.

Qov     [email protected]
Now on ICQ: 12235599               

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