tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat May 09 15:18:47 1998

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RE: ghogh pIn'a'Daj

> I'm experimenting with sound files on my Webpage.  If anyone wants to
> hear me recite my poem {qamuSHa'pu'}, you can find it at
> It's a .wav file (the only technology I currently have access to), so its
> pretty long. <DEEP BREATH> Let me know how my accent is </DEEP BREATH>.

Mostly pretty good, with the exception of a few phonemes, particuluarly /H/,
/Q/, and /'/.  From what I can hear, you seem to pronounce the /H/ like an
English /h/, quite softly.  The /Q/ sounds to me more like the /H/ should
sound, though sometimes it sounds like /k/ (too far forward to be a /q/).
The one /ng/ and the one /gh/ in there both sounded like /g/ to me.

Don't sweat it, though.  My pronunciation was far, far worse than yours
until I went to the first /qep'a'/, and actually heard people speaking the
language.  (That would be Mark and Krankor, the only people who were really
*conversing* at that /qep'a'/!).  The poem is quite nice!

> -- ter'eS


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