tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu May 07 12:28:57 1998

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KLBC: 2nd exercise: tlhIngan maH

Hi all!

I am still having a pretty good time studying Klingon!I recently started
reading David Barron's qeylIS drama (from KLI) and I enjoy it very much.
David, thanks for this! I am currently translating a part from "The Klingon
Way" as an exercise. 

For those of you who don't have this book, this is what it says about the
Klingon saying :

"tlhIngan maH! (We are Klingons!)
This is the strongest expression of joy among Klingons and probably the most
frequently heard klingon phrase. It is used not only in the throes of battle
but on any other joyous occassion as well. When Kahless the Unforgettable,
who united the Klingon Empire, was cloned years later, the replica retained
the ancient Klingon attitudes. He said to Gowron, the leader of the Klingon
High Council, "You have no joy, Gowron. Is your heart so filled with
distrust and suspicion that you have forgotten what it is to be truly Klingon?""

In order to translate this into tlhIngan Hol I rendered it into:

As for these words, they are the words of the strongest great pleasure for
Klingons. One certainly hears these words often. One hears these words while
there are battle agonies and one can hear these words while pleasant events
are happening. When Kahless, whom one can not forget, and who has made one
the Klingon Empire, was caused to take form again, he truly possessed the
Klingon traditions. Kahless the Second said to Gowron, who was leading the
Klingon High Council:" You don't possess pleasure, Gowron. Distrust has
filled your heart and you are very suspicious. Due to those things you have
forgotten what you are while you are a Klingon". 

And this is what I concocted for the Klingon version:

tlhIngan maH!

 tlhInganpu'vaD bel'a' mu'mey HoS law' Hoch HoS puS bIH mu'meyvam'e'.
mu'meyvam pIj luQoylu'bej. may' bepmey tu'lu'taHvIS mu'meyvam luQoylu' 'ej
wanI'mey Quch qaStaHvIS mu'meyvam luQoylaHlu'. lIjlaHbe'lu'bogh 'ej tlhIngan
wo' wa'moHta'bogh qeylIS chenqa'moHDI' tlhIngan lurDechmey ghajqa' ghaH.
tlhIngan yejquv DevtaHbogh qowronvaD jatlh qeylIS cha'DIch <<bel Daghajbe',
qowron. tIqlIj tebta' voqHa'ghach 'ej bIpIHqu'. Dochmeyvetlhmo' tlhIngan
SoHtaHvIS nuq SoHtaH 'e' DalIjpu'!>>.

I could not find a word for 'unite' so I made up 'wa'moH'. And how's
Gowron's name spelled in Klingon? 

I am eagerly awaiting comments !!

Qapla' !

ghonvan HI'rIp

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