tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Jul 31 14:53:31 1998

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KLBC-level easy story: SuvwI' maqoch

There are two main reasons beginners have trouble reading Klingon
text.  One is that they don't know the vocabulary, so they have to
look up every word, a tedious chore.  I try to use some familiar and
some fresh vocabulary in easy stories, so that beginners recognize
some words, and find other words they never even knew existed.  The
second reason Klingon is hard to understand is that when you are still
looking at it syllable by syllable the grammar can be hard to
untangle.  This story has none of those sentence-tangling type-9
suffixes, and uses /-lu'/ only in the idiomatic /tu'lu'/.  

Another hint: if you're not suer whether a word is used as a noun or a
verb, look at any suffixes it has.  

SuvwI' maqoch
ba'taH SuvwI'.  naghDaq ba'taH.  mob.  HIp tuQ.  ghaH retlhDaq betleH
tu'lu'.  ghopDajDaq taj 'uch.  QIt taj jejmoHlI'.  Qu' buSbe'.  taj
bejbe'.  SoQlaw' mInDu'Daj.  'Itlaw'.  

yotlhDaq 'oHtaH SuvwI' nagh'e'.  tuj pem.  yotlhDaq chuS ghewmey. 
ghewmey buSHa' SuvwI'.  taj jejmoHtaH.  

yotlh 'el puq.  qettaH puq.  naQ qeng.  naQ Qach.  mob puq 'ach jach
'ej jaghqoq Suv.  betleHqoq 'oH naQDaj'e'.  QamchoH puq  <batlhwIj
yItIchQo!> jach.  ghew HIv. puv ghew.  qetqa' puq.  jaghqoqDaj
tlha'lI'. <nuuuuuch!!> jach.  Quj tIvba' puq.

pay' SuvwI' legh puq. mevchu' puq.  tamchoHchu' 'ej SuvwI' bej. 
SuvwI' ghovbe' puq.

qImbe' SuvwI'. 

jatlh puq <qatlh naDev SoHtaH?> SuvwI' mer ghogh Qup.  puq leghchoH.  

<Daqvam Dangu'laH'a'?> jatlh SuvwI'.

<yotlh 'oH> jang puq. <yotlhwIj 'oH.  reH naDev jIqeq.>

<yotlh 'oH'a' neH?> ghel SuvwI'.  <ghobe'.>

mIS puq.  <nuq 'oH?>

<che'ron 'oH> jatlh SuvwI'.
Well this is getting long for KLBC.  Maybe I'll finish it later. 
Maybe one of you has a better ending.


Qov - Beginners' Grammarian

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