tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Jul 31 07:15:37 1998

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Re: KLBC - Adverbials

>: > puqhommey vIghIj 'e' rut vIparHa'.  "Sometimes I like to scare the
>: > little children scattered all about."
>: /'e'/ takes the object position in the SAO sentence.  So where does
>: the adverb go?  Before the SAO, as far as we can figure.  Thus /... rut
>: 'e' vIparHa'/.

ja' Voragh:
>lughlaw' Burt.  See SkyBox S26:
>  DuraS tuq tlhIngan yejquv patlh luDub 'e' reH lunIDtaH DuraS be'nI'pu'
>   lurSa' be'etor je.
>  The sisters of the House of Duras, Lursa and B'Etor, are constantly seeking
>   a higher standing for the House of Duras within the Klingon High Council.

This sentence also puts an aspect suffix on the second verb of a
sentence as object, something clearly forbidden in TKD.  It isn't just
giving us an example of usage we didn't know about.  It's actually
contradicting usage we *do* know about.  When canon examples differ 
from explicit canon rules, I tend to put more weight on the rules. 
We've already got undeniable misspellings, mispronunciations, and 
mistakes of other sorts in canon (cha'maH wa' vatlh rep = noon comes 
to mind).  Until either this is unambiguously explained or we get an 
adequate supply of supporting phrases, I'm not going to worry much 
about why {reH} comes after {'e'} in this particular example.

-- ghunchu'wI'

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