tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Jul 30 08:22:00 1998

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Re: KLBC: wej qIDmey

ja' Edy:
>romuluSDaq tlhIngan mu'ghom laDtaH loD qan. 
>In Romulus an old man were reading the klingon dictionary. 

The Klingon is fine, but we'd normally say "on Romulus" in English.

>ghoS romuluSngan SuvwI' 'ej ghel:
>A romulan warrior approach him and asks:


>- Qo'noSDaq bIghoSqang'a', loDoy qan
>- Are you willing to go to Kronos, dear old man?

Using {-Daq} with {ghoS} is a bit strange, but not exactly incorrect. 
The word {ghoS} just implies motion, following a course; it doesn't 
seem to have the meaning you want here.  I'd have said {Qo'noSDaq 
bIjaHqang'a'} or {Qo'noS DaSuchqang'a'}.

I think the warrior is either mocking the old man or acting a bit too
presumptious by saying {loDoy qan}.  It just doesn't sound right here.

>- ghobe'. QI'tu' Hol 'oH tlhIngan Hol'e'
>- No. Klingon is the paradise language.

maj.  What a wonderful idea!  Klingon as the language of creation!

>- qaS nuq  ghe''orDaq bIghoSchugh
>- What will happen if you go to hell?

This sounds a little better than the first {ghoS} sentence you had. 
It parallels the example {bIghHa'Daq yIghoS} from TKD's appendix 
rather well in both meaning and grammar.

As the point of this sentence revolves around the dependent clause, 
I'd put it first.  {ghe''orDaq bIghoSchugh qaS nuq?}

>- qay'be'. roD romuluS Hol vIjatlhchu'.
>- No problem. I costumary speak romulan language perfectly.

The English word is "customarily", meaning "as a matter of habit or
custom".  I think {roD} works well here.

But these people are Romulans themselves.  Why would it be funny for 
them to consider the Romulan language to be the language of the
afterlife's underworld?  If you had said {verengan Hol vIjatlhchu'} 
I'd be laughing hard...

-- ghunchu'wI'

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