tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Jul 27 17:18:52 1998

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Re: K.L.I.? Rank

KGT p52:

The words used as titles to denote the rank (patlh) within the Klingon
Defense Force have caused a certain amount of confusion, largely because the
system does not neatly map onto that used by Starfleet.  The highest
military officer, the head of the Klingon High Command is the la'quv,
usually translated "Supreme Commander."  There are nine ranks of officers
(yaSpu', the plural form of yaS ["officer"]) serving under the la'quv, and
below them are the troops (QaS), including some with titles.  The officers
(yaSpu') are ranked as follows (from highest to lowest, each given with its
usual Federation Standard translation):

'aj  ("admiral")
Sa'  ("general")
totlh  ("commodore")
'ech  ("brigadier")
HoD  ("captain")
la'  ("commander")
Sogh  ("lieutenant")
lagh  ("ensign")
ne'  ("yeoman")


  Among the troops (QaS), the highest-ranking are given the title bu',
traditionally translated as "sergeant,"  while the next highest have the
title Da' ("corporal").  No specific titles are used for anyone of lower rank.


ra'wI'  and  la''a'  are positions, not ranks.

I understand sometimes the need to "create" a rank, especially when
translating from Federation, but a klingon serving on a klingon ship...


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