tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Jul 27 16:06:50 1998

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Re: KLBC: qoSwIj wa'maH HutDIch

---Matthew Peperell  wrote:
> wa'Hu qaS qoSwIj wa'maH HutDIch. 


> DaHram 'oH wIlop.  
> We are celebrating it tonight.

The symmetry of English today/tonight doesn't work in Klingon.  Say
/DaHjaj ram/.  As /jaj/ is an entire 24 h period, you can refer to
/DaHjaj pem/(*) or /DaHjaj ram/ without redundancy or contradiction.

> muiSuch juppu'wI' 'e' vItlhobta'.  

You've had your typo corrected, but you must also avoid the type-7
after /'e'/.  /'e' vItlhob/.
>DIvutta' 'e' nay'mey DISop. 

Grin.  It DOES sound like you're going to cook your friends.  When
translating, watch what happens to your antecedents.  

> We will eat dishes that we have cooked ourselves. 

Divide this into two sentences to translate it.  "we will eat [them]"
you have just fine, with /DISop/.  Now you need "dishes that we have
cooked ourselves."  To do this, say "we have cooked the dishes
ourselves" and then place /-bogh/ on the verb.  That's how /-bogh/

/nay'mey DIvutta'/ - "we have prepared dishes"
/nay'mey DIvutta' maH/ - "we have prepared dishes ourselves" (the
/maH/ emphasizes "us")

/nay'mey'e' DIvutta'bogh maH/ - "dishes we have cooked ourselves"
(the /-'e'/ on nay'mey is unnecessary, but prevents anyone from
interpreting it as "we who have prepared the dishes."

So all together: /nay'mey'e' DIvutta'bogh maH DISop/
"We will eat dishes which we will have prepared ourselves."

> Do' wa'leS jI'uHbe'
> With luck I won't be hungover tommorrow (morning).

That comes out as "Luckily, I won't be hungover tomorrow."   You need
a conditional.  Use /jIDo'chugh/ "if I am lucky."

> I know the offical BG's are absent due to the qep'a' so if anyone
sees > anything
> obviously incorrect, please inform me.  Otherwise I'll just have to
be > patient.
> When does the qep'a' end?

It ended Sunday morning. 

* Ask about /paSlogh bIngDaq/ if the qep'a' attendees forget to tell
the tale. 

Qov DaSovbogh
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