tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Jul 16 19:22:30 1998

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Re: -pu'

ja'pu' charghwI':
>...jIlIjmo' jISopbe'.

ja' SuStel:
>Unrelated to the question, I'd like to suggest an alteration.
>bIQmo' jISeyqu' 'ej jISop 'e' vIlIj.
>What you had was "because I forgot I did not eat."  This was a little vague.

No, it's not vague at all.  It's exactly what "I forgot to eat" means in
English.  I forgot, thus I did not eat.  Because I forgot, I did not eat.

What *you* said was "I forgot that I ate."  That's the way most people say
a phrase like this in Klingon, but it's not the right idea.  Along the same
lines, "I must learn to concentrate" isn't the same as {jIqIm 'e' vIghojnIS}
"I must learn that I concentrate."  Your {jISop 'e' vIlIj} isn't vague at
all -- but it has the wrong meaning.

-- ghunchu'wI'

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