tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Jul 15 19:32:10 1998

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Re: learning the language

ja' "Chris Lipscombe" <[email protected]>:
>I recently started up a Klingon language group here in Bloomington, IN, and
>we have about 5 members. One is very enthusiastic, the others aren't that
>much and I would love to know the best way for someone to go about helping
>others to learn the language.

The best way to learn a language is to use it.  The best way to help
someone learn the language is to help them use it.  If you can find
situations where you can use a limited vocabulary well, make up word
lists and use them, trying not to resort to English for communication.
Encourage anyone who is interested to join this mailing list and to
visit the MUSH regularly.

>They have Klingon Dictionaries but I think they find the idea of learning a
>whole language a bit daunting.

They need a way to practice the language with appropriate feedback.
Perhaps the postal course would be appropriate?  And since I live only a
couple of hours from Bloomington, we should all meet somewhere for pizza
or something and I can be a "special guest" at a qepHom. :-)  (By the way,
where were you in May when I had mine, eh?)

-- ghunchu'wI'

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