tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Jul 13 18:04:59 1998

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Re: -Curses

mujang SuStel:
>>Then you shouldn't look to Star Trek TV for the proper usage of time words,
>>should you? :-P
>I didn't.  I looked at a Star Trek movie.

That seems like an odd distinction to make, but I suppose I understand
your respect for Marc Okrand's presence during the filming of the scene
which you quoted, even if he very likely had nothing to do with the line
spoken in English by General Chang.

>Very well.  Please tell us a Klingon epithet which has been used as a noun.

How about {qeylIS'e' lIjlaHbe'bogh vay'} "Kahless the Unforgettable"?

Skybox card S8:
    nuja' tlhIngan wIch ja'wI'pu' yIntaHvIS qeylIS'e'
    lIjlaHbe'bogh vay' batlh 'etlhvam chenmoHlu'pu'.

I'm sure you have a narrower interpretation of "Klingon epithet" in mind.
I cannot point to a phrase *written by Marc Okrand* in which one of the
words labeled as an epithetical curse in TKD is used in a larger sentence.
However, I have already offered a line of television dialogue (which you
dismissed as irrelevant): "You speak the lies of a {taHqeq}."  I can also
cite several occasions where the words {toDSaH}, {petaQ}, and {yIntagh}
(in its epithetical sense) have been used as nouns by other people while
they were writing in Klingon (which you will doubtless dismiss as well).

Why do you deny the meaning of the term "epithet"?  It's not a Klingon
grammatical term; you can't claim that we don't know what it means.  You
might as well deny the label "adverbial" or "pronoun" or even "number".

-- ghunchu'wI'

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