tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Jul 12 20:19:59 1998

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Re: Qo'noSian animals

ja' "Anthony Appleyard" <[email protected]>:
>...'er 'IghvaH boqrat chemvaH lIngta' lung mIl'oD norgh Qa'
>Qa'Hom Qa'raj Qaj Qogh Sargh Suy' targh teghbat tI'qa' tIqnagh to'baj toppa'
>toqvIr vIghro'.

{toqvIr} is a place, not an animal.
KGT translates {toqvIr lung} as "Tokvarian skink."

>For the benefit of people writing matter in Klingon or about
>Klingons, which of these animals is more known about than merely the name?
>Which live on Qo'noS? Where can people find more information about them?

The Star Trek: Klingon CD-ROM describes several of these, and _Klingon for
the Galactic Traveler_ has snippets of information on a variety of animals
scattered throughout.

>  What is a pipius? Is it an animal, or what?

It is an animal.  TKW refers to the dish {pIpyuS pach} "pipius claw".

-- ghunchu'wI'

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