tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Jul 12 10:16:05 1998

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Re: KLBC - DaH mughqa' tuv'el 'e' nIDlaw'

ja' tuv'el:
>> > 'ej DaH vay'vaD pImqu':
>I was trying to say, "And now for something completely different..."

Assuming for a moment you really mean "for something completely different",
it would have to be {vay' pImqu'vaD}.  Type 5 noun suffixes get placed on
the verb when it's acting adjectivally.

But, of course, that's not really what this means.

>ja' Qov:
>> ...yu'eghmey DIDellaH neH.
>...Just so we can describe waves.

I think she means "We merely can describe waves."

>> QoQ yajbe'chu' Hoqra', 'ach yu'eghmey qonlaH 'ej
>> muchlaH.  QoQvetlh luDellaH je mu'mey luyajbe'taHvIS.
>A Tricorder clearly can't understand music, but it can record waves and
>can perform music.  They can also describe that music while not
>understanding the words.

Qov's last sentence obviously means "Words too can describe that music
while they are not understanding it."  The {lu-} prefix makes it quite

>qaStaHvIS wa'maH cha' pemmey wa'maH cha' rammey je, tlhIngan Hol vIHaD.

HIja'.  bIngotlhchoHba' je.

Translating other people's messages is a great way to build your skill and
become intimately familiar with those people's "style".  But it might be
more appropriate to send the translation directly to the original author
for evaluation -- especially if the author is a recognized authority on the
proper use of Klingon and would be expected not to make silly mistakes. :-)

-- ghunchu'wI'

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