tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Jul 08 09:53:29 1998

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Re: Doqbe' SuDbe' Hurghbe' chISbe' je 'oH

ghItlh tuv'el:
>Many languages don't use "to be"  (The only example I can think of right
>is Russian, which doesn't use "to be" in the present tense: Ya glupi, "I
>am foolish," Ya bolshoi, "I am large.")
Your subject line: can {je} be used for a sum of verbs??

>{KGT pgs. 82-83} Suggests that Klingon physiology may prevent them from
>seeing the color "purple" or "violet."  Perhaps Klingons cannot see as

Yes, I know all that.
You either did not read my question or you misunderstood it. I am looking
for a list with words for which there is surely no Klingon word, and vice
versa. "to be" and "violet" were just some examples.


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