tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Jul 08 01:35:02 1998

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X is Y == Y is X // Y 'oH X'e' == X 'oH Y'e' ??

  The rule seems to be: "X is Y" and "Y is X" mean the same only if both X and
Y have "the" or an equivalent (i.e. are definite).
  {veQDuj 'oH DujlIj'e'} and {DujlIj 'oH veQDuj'e'} only seem to mean the same
if in both {veQDuj} means "the garbage scow" rather than "a garbage scow".
  Also, can we rely on {DujlIj} being definite = "your ship, the ship which is
yours"? Or can it also mean "a ship of yours" and/or "one of your ships"?

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