tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Jul 07 19:48:42 1998

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tlhIngan vutwI' mIwmey

ghaytan vutwI' paq vIqontaH 'e' boSov.  "Fine Foods of th Empire, A
Warriors Guide to Eating Well" 'oH pong ru' 'oH.  paqvamvaD mIwmey law'
vIHevpu'mo' jIbelbej.  qagh, pIpyuS pach, jat moQmey char, Qevlu' baqrat
chej, latlhmey je vIghaj, 'ej vutwI' paqDaq bIH tu'lu'.  'ach latlhmey
vIpoQtaH.  'Iwchab, mIw vIghaj vIneH, 'ej latlh tlhIngan mIwmey
bochabta'bogh vIneHbej je.  wo'Daq SuvwI' vutwI'pu' law' tu'lu' 'e'
vISovbej.  wa' SoHchugh vaj jIHvaD mIwmeylIj tIngeH.  jIhvaD tIqIj yI'ang!
pagh jIHvaD targh tIqlIj yI'ang.

As you are likely aware, I am writeing a Klingon cookbook.  It's working
title is "Fine foods of the Empire, A Warriors guide to eating well."  Over
all, I am pleased with the responses I have recieved.  I have recepies for
gagh, pipius claw, slimy toung balls, and stewed bakrat liver recepies,
among others which will be included in the book.  However, there is more
than one way to break a pipius, and I still need other creative recipies.
I would like at least one bloodpie recipy, and any other origenal creations
you may have come up with.  I am confident that the empire can boast of
many warrior chefs.  If you are one, then send me your recipies!  Show me
your heart!  Or at least show me your heart of targh.


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