tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Jul 06 14:53:20 1998

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Re: SuvwI'bom

ja' ghunchu'wI':
> Yes, that's the way I see it.  Pronouns should not indicate "identity"
> but "category".  I want to be able to put an article, either definite
> "the" or indefinite "a" or "an",
and you would express "identity" by verbs such as rur or rap instead,
I guess (or replace one of the nouns by the appropriate verb)

> "pronoun-as-be" sentence.  I can accept "I am Marc" a lot better than
> "My name is Marc" when using Klingon grammar -- I think the statement
> "I am a Marc" works okay.
oh! I see.. but then you shouldn't be too happy with SoH 'Iv either
(either = you as well as me), as it should mean "Who is a you?"

> >this could be described by saying "is a kind of" instead of "is".
> >is that what you mean?
> Either "is a kind of" or "is one of", yes.

> >so you don't find anything strange about <nuq'e' Dalegh?> or
> ><targh legh 'Iv'e'?> either? "As for the what, you see it." and
> >"As for the who, she sees the targh." don't sound right to me.
> >(or, if you prefer, "Who, and only who, sees the targh.",
> >"It is who (and not someone else) who sees the targh.",
> >"WHO sees the targh.", note that I didn't use question marks)
> These all seem fine to me.  Interrogatives *do* imply questions by
> definition.
well.. that's exactly my problem marking them as a topic.
(I might even write "As for the what?, you see it." etc.)
But I guess if you really want to ask for a subset of something,
you could do it with 

'op Ha'DIbaHmey yIja'.

(I'm not sure which verb to use for "to list" and whether
the plural is right here, but you get the idea...)

instead of Ha'DIbaH bIH nuq'e'?

> >Maybe I just misunderstand the meaning of topic. Maybe if I knew
> >a "real" language with topic markers on question words...
> My preference for the word order of an introduction is not a matter of
> topic.  It's a matter of what a "to be" sentence really means.
I understand your preference for word order.
I don't know why you think pronouns can only mean "is a kind of"
and never "is the same as". But I can accept that there are other
ways to express equality.
I don't like topicalized question words. They confuse me.

                                           Marc Ruehlaender
                                           aka HomDoq
                                           [email protected]

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