tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Jul 05 09:56:49 1998

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From: Robyn Stewart <[email protected]>

>---Paul Gibbons <[email protected]> wrote:

>> QongDaqwIj(Daq?) jIQottaH ej jIbuStaH
>> I am lying in my bed, thinking
>Your sentence can mean "I'm lying in my bed and I'm thinking."  I'd
>translate, "I'm lying in my bed, thinking," as "QongDaqwIjDaq
>jIQottaH, jIQubtaHvIS."

While what Qov says is grammatically correct, what you said means exactly
the same thing.  In fact, I prefer the structure of your original sentence.
I don't see any reason to make the simultaneity of these actions so explicit
with {-vIS} like this.  {QongDaqwIjDaq jIQottaH 'ej jIQubtaH} "I'm lying in
my bed and I'm thinking."  I like this better than {QongDaqwIjDaq jIQottaH
jIQubtaHvIS} "I'm lying in my bed while I'm thinking."

>Ah.  {buS} may be transitive only.  Note that it means "think only
>about" "focus on."  To use a verb with no object, try {Qub} or {qIm}.

It is curious what an objectless {buS} might mean.  "Focus only on [things
in general]."  Wazzat?

maSwov: tlhIngan Hol laHlIj DaDubbejtaH.  majQa'!

Stardate 98509.6

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