tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Dec 30 10:50:55 1998

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Re: nouns with multiple characteristics

> chIS yIH 'ej qIj
> The tribble is black and (it is) white.

>Equal parts:
>  chIS yIHvam bID 'ej qIj yIHvam bID.
BoP poster:
>  cha' choQmey naQ tu'lu' 'ej tep choQ bIngDaq lo' law' bID choQ tu'lu'
>  2 Full Decks and a Half Utility Deck unter the Cargo Deck
> In the poster, bID is modifying choQ and is placed before it. (like Hoch)
> So perhaps:
>   chIS bID yIHvam 'ej qIj bID yIHvam

> I considered this, though we still don't have a lot of clarity 
> about this. For "a half utility deck", I can see "half" being a 
> number. There is no other half to the deck. It is like a 
> measurement of the deck relating to its size. Meanwhile, for 
> "half of the tribble", I see it as a noun. It is the tribble's 
> half. That same tribble has another half. That makes it a 
> noun-noun with tribble coming first and half following.
: Personally I accept your usage.  I thought there might be some people that
: don't and was just throwing in more discussion (lurkers).

And I'm one of those who don't.  Based on the limited evidence - just once on
KBP! - {bID} would seem to work like that other odd number-like noun {Hoch},
placed before the noun it modifies.  You are then able to vary the meaning
slightly depending on whether that noun is singular or plural, again just like
{Hoch}.  E.g.:

 chIS Hoch yIH.
 Each tribble is white.

 chIS bID yIH.
 Half of the tribble is white. 
 The tribble is half white.

 Heghpu' Hoch yIHmeyvam.
 All of these tribbles are dead.
 Every one of these tribbles is dead.

 Heghpu' bID yIHmeyvam.
 Half of these tribbles are dead.


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