tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Dec 25 04:41:55 1998

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Re: KLBC Am I doing this right yet??

ghItlh SuStel:

> It is also possible that the Klingon saying might be more accurately
>translated as "Histories are written by the victors." {qun} might be

'ej ghItlh peHruS:

>Even if you do see {qun} as plural, unless you are considering it a
>contraction of {qunmey}, the verb referring to it still must take the
>lu- when acting on an inherently plural noun.

I think I saw SuStel's point right away. He is supposing that <qun> is an
unmarked plural. SuStel certainly wouldn't suggest that the gloss for <qun>
should change. But in this sentence the absence of <lu-> might lead one to
believe that the speaker intends <qunmey> and has left off the optional

Of course, it is also a standard error. So a fluent Klingon might
automatically assume the <lu-> is missing, not the <-mey>. However, the
meaning of the saying does not change in either case.


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