tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Dec 23 07:35:25 1998

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Re: nouns with multiple characteristics

: How do we describe something that has two values for the same
: Color is the only thing that comes to mind at this time, but there might
: be others.  For example, how would you describe a tribble that is both white
: black (actually, part white, and part black, not a mixture, i.e., gray).
: SIHwI'

Simple... use two qualities with {'ej} or {'ach}, as explained in KGT p.82 (on
color terminology).  Okrand's examples:

 SuD 'ej wov
 (It) is SuD and light.  (a way to refer to a yellowish tinge)

 SuD 'ach wov
 SuD but light  (this variation also heard)

 Doq 'ej beqpuj rur
 (It) is Doq and resembles beqpuj.  (an orange mineral)

 SuD Dargh 'ej wov
 The tea is SuD and light.

 SuDbogh Dargh 'ej wovbogh
 the tea that is SuD and light

So, as for your piebald tribble:

 chIS yIH 'ej qIj
 The tribble is black and (it is) white.

if the colors are in roughly equal amounts, or (at least to me) if the little
vermin is mainly white with bits of black:

 chIS yIH 'ach (loQ) qIj

Even though you didn't ask, you use the same pattern to say they are grey.
depending on the shade:

 chIS yIH 'ej Hurgh
 The tribble is dark white.

 qIj yIH 'ej wov
 The tribble is light black.

Of course you would use {-bogh} to refer to them as part of a longer sentence:
  loSpevDaq chISbogh yIHmeyvetlh 'ej qIjbogh lanpu' 'Iv jay'?!
  Who the hell put those black & white tribbles in the quadrotriticale?!

Hmm... that doesn't feel right.  Should that be:
  loSpevDaq chISbogh 'ej qIjbogh yIHmeyvetlh lanpu' 'Iv jay'?!

on the pattern of the {romuluSngan Sambogh 'ej HoHbogh nejwI'} "Romulan
hunter-killer probe" in KCD?

Voragh                            "Grammatici certant et adhuc sub judice
Ca'Non Master of the Klingons      lis est."         Horace (Ars Poetica)

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