tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Dec 18 20:43:03 1998

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Re: A few phrases.

From: William H. Martin <[email protected]>

>While I respect the validity of your observation, I'm curious as
>to whether or not you can come up with a useage of {vogh} that
>would NOT require {-Daq} then, besides with verbs like {ghoS}
>and {leng}.

Doing so is not at all required.  Okrand says there are three words like
this, {naDev}, {pa'}, and {Dat}, not that only three nouns of this TYPE are
known.  So three words there are, not four.

And I'm sure someone can come up with such a usage, given the right need.
Just because you can't think of one doesn't mean there can't be one.

Here's the first idea I had, and it also includes normal noun usage of the
non-Daq location nouns:

Hurgh naDev.  Hurgh pa'.  wov'a' vogh?
It's dark here.  It's dark over there.  Is there someplace that's bright?

This is just a quick idea, and I'm sure someone else can come up with
another.  But again, it's not even that important.

Okrand says three, not four.  It's as simple as that.

Stardate 98965.1

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