tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Dec 17 14:48:03 1998

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RE: KLBC: third person possesive

lab SIHwI':

> In TKD we are given possesive suffixes for being capable of 
> speech, but only for first and second person.  How would you 
> indicate a third person possesive for such things as "my 
> wife's father", or "his sister"?
> Do we use the noun2 of noun1 construct?

> *be'nalwI' vav* - "father of my wife"
> *ghaH be'nI'*   - "sister of him"
You can use the regular third person possesive suffixes <-Daj> and <-chaj>
for beings capable of using language. For some reason, Klingon does not have
special third person possesive suffixes for beings capable of using
language. It's just one of those strange things that makes the language seem
more like a natural language than a constructed one.

Of course, the possesive suffixes can only be used when the possesor is a
pronoun, as in "His wife" or "Her father". For things like "My wife's
father", you have to use the noun-noun possesive construction.

Beginners' Grammarian

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