tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Dec 16 10:22:41 1998

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Re: Problem Words

qaSDI' 07:54 AM 12/16/98 -0800, charghwI':
>Meanwhile, we have a different set of things we arbitrarily 
>assign the word "coalition". These two sets of things 
>(coalitions and fusions) are not generally considered to have an 
>intersection. Maybe the word {boq} covers all cases of things we 
>would call "fusion" and all things we would call "coalition", or 
>maybe the Klingons see this impulse device and consider it a 
>coalition while English speakers consider it "fusion". Maybe for 
>all other "fusion" concepts, Klingons would use a different word.
>I mean, maybe English speakers are naming it after what it does 
>while Klingons are naming it after who built it. Perhaps a 
>coalition of engineers invented the thing, so Klingons call it 
>the "coalition" thrusters, and maybe there are several different 
>kinds of coalition thrusters, so to differentiate, they call 
>these "Impulse" coalition thrusters.
>Or maybe the engineers who designed these thrusters were 
>specialists in impulse design, so the name of their organization 
>is "Impulse Coalition" and these are the Impulse Coalition's 

And maybe the guy who designed the Klingon impulse drive had a pet targh
named "boq" and decided to name his new engine design after him.  As Granny
on the Beverly Hillbillies once said "Maybe the moon will come down and
kiss you on the forehead, but it ain't likely."  For years drawings and
schematics that released by paramount on starship design have cited nuclear
fusion as the source of power for impulse drive.  This is hardly an
intuitive leap, it's simply achum's [sp?] razor.  The simplest explaination
tends to be the best.


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