tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Dec 13 12:27:41 1998

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RE: A few phrases.

I decided to give some additional info concerning the quotes I 
translated, to see if I got them right.

>> Apology is policy: tlhIj 'e' 'oH ngochchaj'e'
>English is a noun centric language where things like this sound fine.
>Klingon is not. I suggest: <tlhIjlu' 'e' poQ ngoch> or <tlhIjlu' net 
>These could be modified depending on who is apologizing and whose 
policy it
This is from a quote by Agent Scully, referring to the government. She 
says that what they can't cover up they apologize for, that "apology has 
become policy".

>> "The truth is out there, but so are lies.": 
>> voghDaq vItlu' 'ach voghDaq neplu' je
>I'm going to make a somewhat different suggestion here:
>vItna' tu'lu', 'ach vItHey tu'lu' je.
>I think it captures the essence of the idea and everything behind it 
>well. What do you think?
Sounds good to me.
>> "What am I onto here?": nuq vItu'pu'
>maj. Good use of aspect.
>> "Monsters begetting monsters.": Ha'DIbaHmeyvo' boghtaH Ha'DIbaHmey
><Ha'DIbaH> means simply "animal". Its slang sense is used to refer to 
>as inferior. I don't think either of these is really works for 
"monster". I
>think I would go with <mIghwI'> for "monster". I'd also drop the aspect
>suffix - I don't think it's necessary. <mIghwI'vo' bogh mIghwI'>, or
><mIghwI' boghmoH mIghwI'>, depending on your preference.
The "monsters begetting monsters" thing refers to a group of scientists 
performing experiments on people, causing them to be hideously deformed. 
The first "monsters" refers to the scientists as sick, demented people, 
and the second one refers to the unfortunate people who have now become 
deformed. I suppose the mIghwI' thing works for the scientists.

>> "Don't try and threaten me, Mulder.": HIbuQQo' mulDer
>I'd add a comma, just like in the English. Otherwise good.
>> "I've watched presidents die.": Hegh che'wI'pu' 'e' Dabejpu'
>.. 'e' vIbejpu'
>> "We are not who we are.": maHbogh maHbe'
>Oh, my. This is a tough one. It's really playing with language in a way 
>does not translate well. Perhaps <marur'eghchu'be'>, or some variation
>thereof. Perhaps <majech'eghtaH>. What you have just bends my mind. See 
>you can come up with any other ideas.
Sorry about that. 

>> "Think you can hold me?": tuSevlaH DaQub'a'
>You need an <'e'> between the words. Also, the mixing of singular and 
>is a bit odd, but I think it is appropriate if the speaker is 
addressing a
>single person (e.g. Mulder) but talking about the whole group (e.g. the
That was said by a man who was just arrested (and who also has the 
ability to control people's minds by simply talking to them.) He is 
talking to the police officers who are taking him away.

>> "Your aliens, Agent Mulder, your little green men arrived 
>> here millions of years ago."
>> 'uy'ben naDev paw novpu'lI', Duy mulDer, loDHom pu'lI' 
>I'd drop the <naDev>, which would probably be understood. Also, <Duy>
>probably doesn't work for this sort of "agent". I think the best word 
>and FBI agent is probably plain old <yaS>. 
>There is lots of apposition and address going on in the English, 
screwing up
>the order of things, and that can't quite carry over into the Klingon.
><loDHom> is usually used to mean "boy", but I think it might well be
>understood properly in this context. Finally, don't forget they're 
>*green* men. Doq'a' chaH? ghobe'! SuD!
>'uy'ben paw novpu'lI', loDHompu'lI' SuD, mulDer yaS.
>> So how'd I do?
>Not too bad.


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