tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Dec 02 20:53:58 1998

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KLBC No deposit, no return...

choyajHa' 'e' vIHar. I do not state that the use of the word "return" is
important..I ask how one would convey the concept, not the word. 
e.g. You telephone me, and I am not home. When I get the message, I call you
back, in order to find out what you wanted. Terran/Enlish idiom is "I am
returning your call", not to a place. 
The salute...well, I was on the issuing end of the salutes, as a 6-year
veteran enlisted man in the same Navy. By tradition, I am not allowed to lower
my salute until you "return" it. This concept is the translation I was
seeking. Whether or not the term "return" is used is irrelevant.
Granted that we were actually *saying* "I salute you.", and "I return your
salute." Normally this would be a physical action. But the question remains.
If you would all be so kind, I'd like several suggestions for translating the
	" Upon seeing the Commander enter the room, Kurg struck his left shoulder
with his right fist, and bowed his head slightly. He held his head down until,
at last, the Commander returned his salute."

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