tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Aug 24 21:58:05 1998

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Beginner's question

I have been lurking on this list for a few weeks now, and would like to
introduce myself and ask a question regarding a particular turn of phrase.

My name is Mark Eidemiller.  I live in Portland, Oregon, and work for US
Fish and Wildlife.  I was twelve when Star Trek first came on NBC.

I discovered this mailing list out of curiosity.  I got the tape
"Conversational Klingon" when it came out, but only got the Dictionary a
few days ago, and am getting ready to transfer the pages to a small ring
binder for easier access (besides, the cover broke off it when I started
flexing the pages), and to add to it along the way.

(Has anyone ever thought of putting "Conversational Klingon" or "Power
Klingon" as a CD?  It would be easier to locate certain sections if review
was needed.)

I've been facinated by what I've seen, and intrigued.  I admit, I am a
total beginner at Klingon language, and had been a little intimidated by
some of the posts.  But I got over that.  I may not understand it, but what
I've seen is very interesting.

My question.  I've seen the translation to "Today is a good day to die,"
but I have a variation I'd like to learn.  The phrase is: "Today is a good
day to die to the flesh" -- flesh can be substituted for self, self-will,
self-pleasure, self-desire, etc.

(Also, how would you translate the name Mark?)

Anyhow, thanks for letting me onto this list, and I look forward to
learning much.

Mark Eidemiller ** [email protected] **
  If we meet and you forget me, you have lost nothing;
  But if you meet JESUS CHRIST and forget Him,
  You have lost everything.

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