tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Aug 20 21:35:21 1998

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KLBC - tlhIngan Hol ghojtaHmeH tuv'el Seyqu'mo' Doy' Qov.

KLBC - tlhIngan Hol ghojtaHmeH tuv'el Seyqu'mo' Doy' Qov.
"Qov is tired because tuv'el is so excited to be learning Klingon."

HeSwI' wIqoplaHpa' ngebbogh wa'vatlh <qeylIS betleHmey Dun> ngevta'.
"Before we could arrest him, the criminal had sold one hundred <Great
Swords of Kahless> which were fake."

'IHchu' ba'el 'ach Qu'lIj DabuSHa'meH meq ghaHbe'!
"Ba'el is most definitely beautiful, but she is no reason to ignore your

nImbuS wejvo' tera'Daq Qaypu' Sa'.  meq vIyajbe'.
"The general has been transferred to Earth from Numbus III.  I don't
understand the reason."

'Iw HIqlIj puj 'oH chab'e' 'e' DaHar'a'?  jIHagh!
"You believe your diluted blood-wine is an innovation?  I laugh!"

DIj qeyvaq 'ej jatlh, <SutwIj DanIHta'mo' DaSuv!>
"Kayvak slides his sword blade along his opponent's blade and says, <I
fight you because you have stolen my clothes!>"

Dachmo' pagh potlh'e' wuqjaj yejquv.
"Since no one important is absent, let the High Council decide."

- tuv'el

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